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2 years ago
* SystemJS global script loading support
* Extra for the s.js build only
* (Included by default in system.js build)
(function (global) {
var systemJSPrototype = global.System.constructor.prototype;
// safari unpredictably lists some new globals first or second in object order
var firstGlobalProp, secondGlobalProp, lastGlobalProp;
function getGlobalProp (useFirstGlobalProp) {
var cnt = 0;
var foundLastProp, result;
for (var p in global) {
// do not check frames cause it could be removed during import
if (shouldSkipProperty(p))
if (cnt === 0 && p !== firstGlobalProp || cnt === 1 && p !== secondGlobalProp)
return p;
if (foundLastProp) {
lastGlobalProp = p;
result = useFirstGlobalProp && result || p;
else {
foundLastProp = p === lastGlobalProp;
return result;
function noteGlobalProps () {
// alternatively Object.keys(global).pop()
// but this may be faster (pending benchmarks)
firstGlobalProp = secondGlobalProp = undefined;
for (var p in global) {
// do not check frames cause it could be removed during import
if (shouldSkipProperty(p))
if (!firstGlobalProp)
firstGlobalProp = p;
else if (!secondGlobalProp)
secondGlobalProp = p;
lastGlobalProp = p;
return lastGlobalProp;
var impt = systemJSPrototype.import;
systemJSPrototype.import = function (id, parentUrl) {
return, id, parentUrl);
var emptyInstantiation = [[], function () { return {} }];
var getRegister = systemJSPrototype.getRegister;
systemJSPrototype.getRegister = function () {
var lastRegister =;
if (lastRegister)
return lastRegister;
// no registration -> attempt a global detection as difference from snapshot
// when multiple globals, we take the global value to be the last defined new global object property
// for performance, this will not support multi-version / global collisions as previous SystemJS versions did
// note in Edge, deleting and re-adding a global does not change its ordering
var globalProp = getGlobalProp(this.firstGlobalProp);
if (!globalProp)
return emptyInstantiation;
var globalExport;
try {
globalExport = global[globalProp];
catch (e) {
return emptyInstantiation;
return [[], function (_export) {
return {
execute: function () {
_export({ default: globalExport, __useDefault: true });
var isIE11 = typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Trident') !== -1;
function shouldSkipProperty(p) {
return !global.hasOwnProperty(p)
|| !isNaN(p) && p < global.length
|| isIE11 && global[p] && typeof window !== 'undefined' && global[p].parent === window;
})(typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : global);})();