My website.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

36 lines
1.9 KiB

3 years ago
(html (@ (xmlns "") (xml:lang "en") (lang "en"))
(meta (@ (http-equiv "Content-Type") (content "text/html; charset=ascii")))
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(title ,($ 'title)))
(div (@ (class "wrapper"))
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(div (@ (class "container"))
(h4 (@ (class "header__logo")) vilor)
(ul (@ (class "header__nav"))
(li (a (@ (href "/index.html")) "Home"))
(li (a (@ (href "/webapps/index.html")) "Web Apps"))
(li (a (@ (href "")) "Git"))
(li (a (@ (href "/contacts.html")) "Contacts")))))
(div (@ (class "content container"))
(h1 (@ (class "content__title")) ,($ 'page-name))
(div (@ (class "content__description")) ,($ 'page-desc))
(inject ,contents))
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(div (@ (class "footer__authors"))
(div "Content: " (a (@ (href "/contacts.html")) "Ivan Polyakov"))
(div "Design: " (a (@ (href "")) "Olga Revenkova")))
(div (@ (class "links"))
(a (@ (href ""))
(img (@ (src "") (alt "Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict") (height 31) (width 88))))
;;(a (@ (href ""))
;; "Source code")
(a (@ (href ""))
(img (@ (src "/img/anybrowser3.jpg")
(alt "Viewable With Any Browser"))))))))))